Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Logo and Other Stuff

I'm still on hiatus from regular updates, but had some good news to share.

First, I've updated the blog's look yet again, to give you a taste of what the full site will look like. When I do return to regular blogging, I'll also be launching the full site for T.A.A.

The blog will still be going, but the full site will include the following-

-A Newsletter filled with news, book picks, and more!

-More in-depth how-tos on the writer's craft (SPAG is our friend, most of the time)

-Audio Podcasts & Video Features (Expect those late 2012 if all goes well)

Plus other special content I can't talk about now until's it finalized, but trust me, it'll be fun!

I hope the site launches by May 2012, though I may restart the blogging sooner, but that's only after finishing drafts of my new WIPs, and they're the main reason I had to put regular blogging on hold.

Well, that and I was getting a bit discouraged again, but I'll be all right, I've been here before and I'll climb out again.

Until then, let me know what you think of the new logo and if you've got ideas for the full T.A.A. site, please share them in the comments. Also, bookmark the following-


The URL of the official full site (As shown in the new logo above)

Take Care All,