Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm Back! (No, really!)

It's been a long hard road for me, and while it continues to be true, I'm ready to commit to T.A.A. again. To prove it, as I've faltered a few times, these are the topics you will see this week-

Tuesday-Wednesday 12/6/11-12/7/11
The Dangers of Rivalry
What happens when you let rivalry go to your head. How it steals your joy for writing, and reading, and things you can do to get back in balance.

You Really Should Read....(How NOT to be the Scrooge in your writer's group)
Any writer who's been critiqued will eventually get suggested they read a certain book or writer in hopes you'll learn how to "fix" something in your own writing that's not doing what it should, and you know it's true, but it can still feel discouraging, even a little insulting, but you know it's (usually) meant to be encouraging.

Before you go off on a rant (As I have sadly done) learn from my mistakes so you will stay on your writer friend(s) good side, address the problem, and still let the frustration out so you won't be an emotional time bomb waiting to lay waste to your common sense, and anyone/anything else in its path.

Learn from "The Past" but write in "The Present"
It's vital to read the books you wish to write yourself, but you also need to know how to apply the timeless lessons in books published in a time gone by. Hopefully what I'm learning the hard way will save you from having a far worse time of it.

Wednesday - 12/7/11 The World-building Wars
An ongoing series about ways to take some of the crazy out of crafting our fantasy worlds.
(Part 1: Welcome to the World - A checklist even plot-phobics can handle and have fun with.)

Thursday - 12/8/11New Giveaway!
Details and Entry info Thursday

Friday - 12/9/11 Flipside Café
There are two sides to every story, and multipal ways to apply the same craft advice. The weekly feature will go in-depth with craft advice you always hear, and examine another way to go about it, to keep it fresh, and keep you motivated to improve your craft and combat the "Been there, Re-Done that" complex.
(This week: When in doubt, Flesh it Out: A new way to approach "Show, don't Tell.")

Saturday and Sunday (TBA)

I may be a day or two late sometimes, but bare with me, I'm committed to getting back on track.

Lastly, I'll talk about the things I learned from my difficult but necessary sabbatical(s) in a future "Letter from the Editor" but for now, just know while I'm still a bit shaky, I've missed interacting with those of you who've been so supportive and concerned for me in my string of sabbaticals from the blog. I will still stumble for some time, but it's time to stop letting my life go by, and live it again.

Here's to catching up to you on the ongoing road to living a better life.
Your Frazzled yet Fearless Literary Rat,




  1. Taurean, this sounds great. I'm looking forward to your posts.

  2. Thanks Kelly. I hope they'll help others who struggle as I have in those areas.

  3. Looking forward to your posts, Okami. =)

    Claudine (Seawater)

  4. Sounds like you've got some good stuff planned. I'll be checking back. . .
